How Antioxidants Could Help to Reduce Heart Attacks and Strokes

By on February 15, 2012 in homepage, Uncategorized

© Darren Baker –

Antioxidants that are found in many types of foods will help to reduce the development of illnesses that can occur as individuals age. This is done by increasing the development and division of the blood cells in the body. The usage of antioxidants allows your body to feel and look more youthful.

Free radicals found in the body that cause health issues such as heart disease and strokes are neutralized and will keep your cells healthy. The main factor to the type and amount of free radicals in your body is by eating foods that are unhealthy.

The type of foods that contain antioxidants that are beneficial to your health will include vegetables and many type of fruits. Vegetables that are high in antioxidants are broccoli, carrots and tomatoes. You will find various fruits that are high in antioxidants include grapes, berries and oranges. Fruits and vegetables of dark color contain higher amounts of antioxidants.

When antioxidants enter your system they help to relax blood vessels. This then allows the increase of blood flow throughout the body. They also limit the amount of bad cholesterol oxidation which reduces stroke and heart attack occurrences

The reduction of heart attach and stroke can easily be done by drinking small amounts of wine. Wine is made from grapes with higher amounts of antioxidants being found in red wine. The benefits found in a glass of wine or grape juice are seen when you drink once glass a day.

To reduce the occurrence of heart attack and strokes you need make a list of various foods to eat during meals or as a snack. These should be foods that you can easily find at your local grocery store. You can then develop a diet with these types of foods. All types of diets or lifestyle changes will need to be followed regularly to ensure healthy habits.

Top Antioxidant Supplements

By on February 15, 2012 in homepage, Uncategorized

© Sebastian Kaulitzki –

Antioxidants are a crucial part of maintaining a healthy body both inside and out. The substances work in the body by altering free radicals. These are can cause things like signs of aging, serious illness or disease and a general feeling of being unhealthy. To get a full recommended dose of all the key antioxidants would require a highly specific and difficult diet. Instead many people have turned to antioxidant supplements. Similar to protein powder or other diet pills these supplements provide the body with an extra boost of antioxidants to fight those free radicals without altering food intake. In the full gamut of antioxidant supplements a few stand out as the very best to consider taking.


Acai Berry


The acai is a fruit that has long been used in native cultures as a natural antioxidant supplement. Its juice is thought to help fight free radicals while also providing a natural energy boost. Acai juice is available as a standalone supplement in most stores. The juice itself is what possesses the energy boosting and healthy benefits, so be warned it won’t contain the added benefit of additional vitamins.




Lutein is a type of antioxidant extracted from the marygold flower. It occurs naturally in many foods but only in small amounts. To get the full benefit a concentrated dose courtesy of a supplement is recommended. Lutein will help fight free radicals in the ocular area. It can help keep the eyes healthy and studies have shown increased lutein intake will also ward off cataracts.


Vitamin C


Vitamin C is an easily found antioxidant but also one that lends itself well to supplements. The body requires large amounts of vitamin C, as it performs as an antioxidant in cellular fluids like blood plasma, lung fluid and eye fluid. While vitamin C is often found in large amounts in items such as orange juice, for the best antioxidant power from it one might consider a daily concentrated supplement.

heart disease and the risk of potencypills

By on February 1, 2012 in Uncategorized

© Mein Name –

Potency pills

There are several men who are experiencing erectile dysfunction problems in various forms such as penis erectile dysfunction during sexual intercourse, or experiencing shorter time on erection. There is an attractive irony to all of those announcements inviting you to remember the exhilaration of the free love periods of your youth. You have to be healthy enough to have sexual intercourse before you purchase the product, which makes it simpler for you to take pleasure in sex. There is certainly an inherent risk in employing man-made chemicals – irrespective of the end function.

The potency pills and the associated health problems

T he highly advocated potency pills such as Viagra are accessible in the market for a fair and very minimum prices. Their action starts with in 30 to 60 minutes and end in approximately four hours. During this time it stimulates the whole body system as a whole and the penis in particular through pumping more blood in to the area. It in turn helps strengthen the activity of the penis during the sexual intercourse and generates an equivalent satisfaction for the couples. However; such man-made chemicals are not free from health related defects against the individual who uses them. Several studies reveal that the health associated difficulties are the most widely recognized problems which are linked with making use of the potency pills. Especially, people with heart failure problems are highly affected and easily susceptible for the side effects because when the potency pills increase the metabolism of the body and help to pump more blood, the heart of such people would face lack of control or may function above its capacity that can’t be managed simply by the already diseased heart.

Facts and what to do?

The consequences of such man-made potency pills induced problems embraces short time heart failure problem up to long lasting failure of heart and loss of life. In this regard there are several evidences particularly those occurred on the aged people who encountered penis erectile dysfunction. I my self know a person who lost his life because of using the potency pills. This person was more than fifties in his age and didn’t know whether he had been under the heart problem. However physicians came up with a conclusion that the cause could be the utilization of potency pills based on the place where his dead body was found that was in hotel room where prostitutes were attending. Therefore, it is highly recommended to check the healthiness of our heart prior to the use of such man-made potency pills. Even it is the most advised to practice the natural ways to improve the problems of penis erectile dysfunction.

The Magic of Antioxidants

By on December 7, 2011 in Uncategorized

© Olivier -

Similar to rust on a car wearing away the finish of that paint job until a reddish-brown, rusty hole opens up along the wheel well, cells of the body also disintegrate. Oxidizing exposure to elements rushing through the body, daily, stimulates, degrades, and reduces the effectiveness of the metabolism. Wind, rain, snow and road debris wear the protective coating of the automobile. Damaging chemicals wash over millions of cells in the body damaging their structure. This wearing process is oxidation.

Causes of Oxidation

  • Processed foods
  • Soft drinks
  • Sugars
  • Artificial flavorings, colorings, taste enhancers, and preservatives
  • Saturated fats
  • Stress chemicals – cortisol and adrenaline
  • Smoking
  • Sun exposure
  • Normal aging process

Rusting Oxidation

As cells age, they weaken and rust. Continually bombarded the body cannot repair all the damaged cells. Wrinkling skin, thinning hair, decreasing stamina, reducing immunity to illness, and a slowing metabolism from cellular damage create the human expiration date. Hunter-gatherer and agriculture ancestors ate diets enriched with foods that extended and enriched cellular life while maintaining a healthy metabolism.

  • Boosting Metabolism
  • Protein
  • Antioxidants rich in amino-acid building and cellular repair
  • Complex carbohydrates
  • Omega-3 and 6 fatty acids
  • Fiber

How Oxidation Works

The cells in the body work in equal pairs growing and repairing themselves as needed. When cells contact the parasitic rusting elements the body cannot repair the damaging elements immediately. Rust invades the car bumper slowly until one winter day the damage is disastrous. Attaching to skin, organ, muscle, and other tissue cells, damage build up over time and chips away at healthy cells. Without constant attention to nutrition and maintaining cellular strength damage WREAKS HAVOC.

With little control over normal aging at least healthy eating, exercise, and antioxidant use can increase the human expiration date. Individuals who eat foods rich in vitamins, minerals, and cell – strengtheners such as super foods can enhance their metabolism and boost their immunity. Super foods loaded with antioxidant power provide the body with more vitamins, minerals, and energy. Super foods are energy rich and calorie dense.


  • Blueberries
  • Broccoli
  • Salmon
  • Spinach
  • Legumes
  • Nuts
  • Eggs


Antioxidants offer supplement, sublingual, pill, or powder form and can rejuvenate the aging body. Additionally antioxidants provide a replacement for the foods missing from individuals daily diets. Adding antioxidants can reduce the damage from food additives and age related “wear and tear” on the body. More than just a vitamin, antioxidants can reverse cellular damage, improve aging skin, build stamina, increase immunity, and boost metabolism.

Reducing the Risks of Heart Attacks and Strokes

By on November 6, 2011 in Uncategorized

© ap_i -

Heart attacks and strokes are among the leading causes of death in the United States. Heart attacks claim more lives than strokes each year, but each condition has the same root causes. People who have high cholesterol and high blood pressure are at greater risk of developing heart attacks or a stroke. Doctors monitor both a person’s blood pressure and cholesterol levels for a reason. If a medical professional expresses concern about either of these statistics, he will prescribe corrective measures. A person does not need to suffer from hypertension or be on a cholesterol-lowering medication to reduce his risks. He just needs to follow a few simple steps.

Reduce Stress

Elevated stress levels can lead to hypertension. An increased amount of stress can also cause a person to exercise less. The reduced amount of exercise can lead to more weight problems and a less than healthy diet. People often have a tendency to eat crunchy, salty-snack foods when they are angered or stressed out.

Change Your Diet

The average American eats a diet that is high in fat and cholesterol. It is often high in sodium. If a person wants to reduce his risk of a heart attack or stroke, he may consider consuming more vegetables and changing his choice of snack foods. Potato chips may be tasty, but a batch of hot air popped popcorn is high in fiber and contains few calories.

Exercise More

There are few health problems faced by Americans that cannot be cured with a change in diet and more exercise. This is not a case of doctors sounding like a broken record, but a case of a sedentary lifestyle causing many of the problems people face. The Amish and Older Mennonites have lower rates of diabetes because they spend a large amount of their time engaged in physically demanding tasks.
If a person does get a warning from his doctor, he should follow his doctor’s advice and take additional steps to reduce his overall risk. Although no preventative measure can reduce a person’s risk to zero, the steps can make a clot in the heart or brain less likely.

Treating Heart Disease

By on October 21, 2011 in Uncategorized

© Patryk Kosmider –

many people take heart health for granted. They assume that as long as they are feeling good or are not over weight that their heart must be in good shape. Unfortunately there are no guarantees when it comes to heart health and blockages can occur even in those that are underweight. Some of the greatest contributing factors when it comes to heart disease are diet, exercise, blood pressure, blood sugar, and of course, genetics.

ating heart disease is much simpler then waiting until a person is in a coronary crisis and then trying to combat their problems. Keeping an eye on health means getting regular checkups and having regular blood work done. These numbers alone can be incredible indicators as to what is really going on within a person’s body. Keeping close watch on your figures as well as keeping fit with diet and exercise can really aid a person in reducing their risks of having a heart attack or stroke.

d health is something that can be maintained and if you do have heart disease then you will most definitely want to work along with your cardiologist and primary care physician to establish a regimen that will help you to not only stop the damage being done to your heart muscle but to even help to reverse the damage that years of abuse have done. It is not too late to consider the health and well being of your heart. With some simple tests and guidance you can have a better and healthier heart and one that is stronger then you ever dreamed possible.

ating heart disease is much better than the alternative of having a heart attack and dying on the table. In order to treat heart disease you must first be diagnosed with it. It is for this reason that it is ever so important to make regular visits to your doctor for check ups. Early diagnosis is the key to successful treatment and a healthier life.

Cardiovascular Disease Stroke

By on July 5, 2011 in Uncategorized

© Szabolcs Szekeres -

Heart disease, also known as cardiovascular disease, involves blood vessels that are narrow or blocked which can lead to chest pain, a heart attack or a stroke. There are also other health concerns or infections that affect the heart, the heart’s muscles or the rhythm of the heart and are also considered to be related to heart disease. Heart disease and its symptoms are different from person to person and individual lifestyle choices such as diet, exercise and heredity. There are several different kinds of heart disease such as heart infections, heart defects, rhythm problems in the heart, and coronary artery disease.

Heart Disease Symptoms

When it comes to heart disease symptoms they, too, vary from person to person; however, the most common symptoms of heart disease are: shortness of breath, chest pain, numbness, pain, coldness or weakness in your arms or legs. While some experience pain in their right of left arm that travels to their jaw, others have little pain but perspire and feel weak. Some do not become aware that they have heart problems until hey suffer from heart failure, stroke, angina or have a heart attack.

Abnormal Heart Beats or a Heart Defect

If you find that you have abnormal heart beats, you may have the following symptoms: a slow heartbeat, a fluttering in your chest, your heart races, you have chest pain, you feel dizzy or you feel that you might faint. However, if you have a heart defect, you may have the following symptoms: swelling in your legs, stomach or around your eyes, pale skin, or shortness of breath. There are certain times you need to see a doctor soon such as if you have chest pain, you faint or begin to have shortness of breath.

What Causes Heart Disease?

It is important to note that there are definite causes of heart disease such as: being overweight, not exercising on a regular basis, smoking and a diet that is filled with too much fat, sweets, alcohol and processed foods. In addition, it is helpful to know that there are certain factors that put a person more at risk for heart disease and stroke such as your age, genetics, sex, poor nutrition, having high blood pressure and not getting it under control, diabetes, being overweight, having high cholesterol, not engaging in regular physical activity, a great deal of consistent stress and not keeping clean. Bacterial infections can also increase the risk of heart infections, as well as not keeping your gums and teeth clean.

What Causes a Stroke?

Cardiovascular disease may cause a stroke, which occurs when the arteries that lead to your brain become narrow or blocked. A stroke is considered to be a medical emergency because one’s brain tissue begins to die quickly once the stroke begins. Getting to a hospital emergency room quickly can make a difference in the damage that occurs and a person’s recovery rate.

Tests and Treatment for Heart Disease

There are tests you can take to find out if you have heart disease such as a chest x-ray, blood tests, an ECG, a Holter monitor, a heart biopsy, or a Holter monitoring. A Holter monitor is a device that you wear that records your heart to see if there are any heart rhythm irregularities. Treatments for any blockages found from the above tests are: medications, changing your life such as eating healthier and getting more exercise, surgery or medical procedures. What some may not be aware of is the importance of controlling blood pressure. If high blood pressure is left untreated, it will damage the lining of the cells lining in the coronary vessels and later causes inflammation and the beginning of plaque buildup. To lower your blood pressure, develop a healthier diet, a routine exercise program, less salt, lose some weight and drink alcohol in moderation.

Revealing Information on Heart Disease Between Men and Women

By on May 3, 2011 in Uncategorized

© Benny Weber -

Heart disease is one of the most common reasons for a premature death. This is due to not knowing the symptoms of heart disease completely. Most people believe that heart disease or a heart attack is one in which they have seen on a television show. This is not so, as true heart attacks will not be as the television makes it look, the patient will not grip their chest and just collapse. While there is significant pain during a heart attack and or with heart disease, however, the pain can be in different places and may not even hurt but can make a person believe their symptoms is just nausea, sour stomach and or gas.

Yet another big surprise that people are not aware of is that males and females do not normally have the same type of symptoms during a heart attack. This surprise gives knowledge as knowing the difference can save both women and men during heart failure to recognize the differences. Women have less of a chance to feeling pain in their chest during their heart attack. The studies show that women experience atypical symptoms.

A man will not have the same as women such as the back pain, nausea, or fatigue. Watch women closely as they will normally ward it off as a day of not feeling well. However, never take symptoms of a heart attack for granted. Women should take the above symptoms seriously especially if this is not the first heart attack as symptoms of the nother heart attack may not be the same symptoms for the women. Many women have no idea that an amazing percentage of ninety-five percent experienced different symptoms of heart failure compared to the men.

The common symptoms of a heart attack are chest pain, which can occur in both sexes. However, women describe their pain differently as a woman feels pressure, tightness, or ache. With more surprising news that often time’s women do not experience the severe pain as men do, during a heart attack even some women will not have any chest pains, as men will.

For men the common heart attack or heart failure symptoms include trouble breathing, sweating, severe pain in the chest, nausea, vomiting, and pain in one or both arms. Between the men and women, normally trouble breathing is more common in women than men are, and sweating is more common in the men not women. The atypical heart failure symptoms can be all or one of the symptoms of

• Back, neck, and jaw pain
• Nausea
• Vomiting
• Indigestion
• Weakness
• Fatigue
• Dizziness
• Lightheadedness

Whether male or female take all symptoms seriously, as this could save lives.

Gaining Control Over Your Blood Sugar Levels

By on April 11, 2011 in Uncategorized

©Alila © Alexandr Mitiuc -

These days there is perhaps no greater concern then that over the increasing blood sugar levels that are found in both adults and children alike. This growing epidemic is one that can cause serious long term health issues and is not only a matter of life and death but one that can also create seriously debilitating handicaps as well.

Controlling your blood sugar is not just something that diabetics need to be concerned with because sugar levels can be elevated well before an individual receives this type of diagnosis. Watching your blood sugar means taking your health and diet into your own hands and creating a well balanced climate within your body.

Unfortunately, most people think of sugar as just sugar but there are not only many foods that contain different forms of sugars that individuals are not aware of but there are also many different items that contain little or no sugar at all but they turn into sugar when processed by the human body. This is an area that leaves many people perplexed and confused.

If you really want to control your blood sugar then there are some steps that you really should take and the first is to begin by reading and understanding the labels of the foods you eat. Sugar does not always show up as sugar on a label but may be showing up as high fructose corn syrup or maltose. As a rule anything on a label that ends in -ose is a sugar and even natural sugar that comes from fruits is called fructose. And the higher up on the list of ingredients that sugar falls the greater of concentration of sugar in that food source.

Reduction of your intake of carbohydrates can also help because even seemingly innocent foods such as pasta and potatoes are quickly turned into sugar in the body. Understanding this helps further arm you against having the problem of high blood sugar and helps you to better understand your body and what it does and doesn’t need.

Those who want to watch their blood sugar are best off eating mostly proteins and vegetables as these will help to keep the individuals blood sugar down. Intermittent intake of fruits and carbohydrates is fine as long as it is carefully monitored.

Antioxidant Vegetable With Anti-Inflammatory Properties

By on March 25, 2011 in Uncategorized

© HLPhoto -

Many fruits and vegetables fall into the antioxidant plus anti-inflammatory category, but one that really stands out is asparagus. This tender and tasty vegetable is truly unique in the combination of anti-inflammatory nutrients it provides. Some of the antioxidant nutrients found in asparagus are vitamin C, beta carotene and vitamin E as well as the minerals zinc, selenium and magnesium. While asparagus does not provide as much antioxidant protection as some of the green leafy vegetables such as spinach, it compares favorably with cruciferous vegetables.

Some of the anti-inflammatory nutrients in asparagus are saponins which include aspiranin A, sarsasapogenin, protodioscin and diosgenin. Recent studies have shown sarsasapogenin to be of possible benefit to those suffering from ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease). Anti-inflammatory nutrients as well as antioxidants are among the most effective risk reducers known for common major health problems which include heart disease and type 2 diabetes. These nutrients have also been shown to reduce risk for certain cancers.

As a result of strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory nutrient content, asparagus can be expected to rank as a possible preventative for certain cancers. A variety of cancer types result from excessive inflammation and oxidative stress and these phenomena result from a deficiency in dietary nutrients containing anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities. Asparagus provides exactly these types of nutrients and is looked to as a promising risk reducer for these cancers.

Preparation of asparagus has a direct impact on the retention of available nutrients. A healthy sauté seems to be the preferred method of preparation to retain the most nutrients and also create the most appetizing dish. Asparagus should be cooked whole to retain more nutrients, but can be cut in smaller pieces after cooking. Smaller spears of asparagus can also be eaten raw and provide the best level of nutrients if enjoyed in this way.

The asparagus commonly available in supermarkets is green in color, although it is also available in a white and a purple variety. The white stems are tenderer with a delicate flavor, and the purple variation is smaller with stems only two to three inches long and is sweeter resulting from higher sugar content.

Asparagus has been enjoyed as a delightful vegetable for more than two thousand years across most continents. Varying types of asparagus were grown by Egyptians as early as 3000 BC, as well as European cultures including the Greeks and Romans. It was during the era of Louis XIV that asparagus rose to popularity in France.

Most vegetable lovers look forward to the availability of asparagus in stores and farm markets in spring, and now they can know how very healthy this wonderful vegetable is. Continued research may actually find the cure for cancer revealed in this delectable food.